Hair Growth Tips for Women


  1. Eating healthy and avoiding stress helps hair to grow longer and healthier.
  2. Homemade oil with mustard, amla and fenugreek works wonders for hair.
  3. Hair stops growing if not trimmed regularly. Chop it off for better growth.
  4. Chemicals constituted in hair colours and styling products damage hair in the long run.

If you are totally tired of seeing those incessant advertisements on television that boast of long lustrous hair, it is time you take your hair condition seriously.

hair growth in woman Medicines, hair potions, tonics and other external hair applicants available in the market can burn a hole in your pocket and also cause unprecedented damage to the quality of your hair. Here is why you should avoid them and still manage to make your hair grow longer. Here are a few hair growth tips for women that will come in handy for women who are longing to have Rapunzel-like tresses.

Eat Healthy and Think Positive

Hair growth will only take place once the rate of hair fall decreases. Many people face stress in their day to day lives and face baldness at a very early stage. Eat three meals a day and make sure that you have at least five different colours of fruits every day.

Oil your Hair

Varieties of oil brands available in the market might make your hair more dry after every wash. It is time you stop experimenting and opt for home made oil preparations. Take half a bowl of mustard oil and heat it. When it starts boiling, put a few pieces of chopped amla and methi seeds and keep stirring the potion. Wait for the concoction to cool down and apply it on the roots of your hair overnight. Wash it with a mild shampoo the next morning. This treatment, if followed diligently for two to three months can strengthen the roots of your hair and promote hair growth at a faster pace than usual.

Trim your Hair

Go for that much-needed trim! Your hair stops growing permanently if you do not trim them. This is also the main reason why you get split ends. Get it trimmed real short or opt for some shorter hair style every two years to maintain a longer length in the long run.

Avoid using Hair Styling Products

Avoid using colour and re-bonding products on your hair. You sure do not want to abuse your hair chemically and damage it for the rest of your life. Keep conditioning it with every wash. Dry hair gets brittle and stops growing long.

Use Safe Hair Packs

There are hair packs available in the market. Use some of the well known brands available in the market. Also, stay away from heat. When you are subjected to harsh sunlight, it is better if you take the umbrella or tie a scarf around your head.

Also, make it a habit to tie your hair into a plait before going to bed. Understand the quality and the texture of your hair. Some people have oily scalp and shampooing it every day will not help you get rid of the problem. Such people often complain of hair not growing long enough. You can opt for herbal henna packs once in every 15 days. Apart from that, think positive! We all wish for those Rapunzel locks, don’t we?

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