‘Browny’ Point for Managing Type 2 Diabetes

‘Good fat’ could help manage diabetes, hope of a new medicine

‘Browny’ Point for Managing Type 2 Diabetes

New Delhi, November 25: Brown fat could be a key in managing diabetes. Christened as ‘good fat’, it is a warming cushion in winter, leading in turn to burning up of calories. A research study done in Australia and published in ‘The Journal of Cell Biology’ has found this ‘browny’ point for Type 2 diabetes.

It may eliminate the pain of daily insulin injection. The study can also lead to a newer medicine other then insulin.

Brown fat absorbs excess sugar in the blood. On this premise, brown fat cells being activated, blood glucose levels could be controlled without the need for daily insulin injections.

Brown fat is located on the back, upper half of the spine and ton he shoulders and the lesser the age more could be the deposit of brown fat.  Overweight or obese or diabetic people would have less of this fat variety.

‘In theory if we can find out how to stimulate brown fat into action, we could use it, not only to manage obesity, but type- 2 diabetes also,’ says lead researcher Masaaki Sato from the Monash University in Australia.

Brown fat was discovered in adults a few years ago and now research is taking place world-wide to understand why some adults have it and others don’t.

The study has found that brown fat cells produced 10 times the amount of glucose transporters than insulin. Potentially the research could lead to a completely new medicine to treat Type 2 diabetes, offering an alternative to daily insulin injections.





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