Diabetes is the New Tonic
Diabetes is the New Tonic
New Delhi, January 12: In winning his diseases, Arvind Kejriwal won life.
Though Kejriwal in all his humility said on the day of triumph that he would not have done what he did if his wife would not have supported him from behind but diabetogists do not entirely agree. They give lion’s share of credit to his diseases.
Kejriwal is the new tonic for all those who are citizens of world capital of diabetes. So, diabetics who pity themselves need to take a lesson or two from him and shake off the depressive thoughts. They must emulate Arvind’s life style and start staring in the eyes of the dreaded disease.
Dr. K.K Aggarwal, Secretary General, IMA and chairman, Heart Care Foundation of India, says, ‘A controlled diabetic is far better than a normal person. Diabetes makes one disciplined and that is important for overall health. Diabetes is no stumbling block if the victim learns to live with it.’
There are examples galore that diabetes presents itself as an opportunity to excel in life. It was diabetes that pushed this frail man with incorrigible coughing to such dizzy height.
Diabetic Sushma Swaraj, External Affairs Minister, has gone many a time on record saying diabetes is a blessing if the blessed one learns to live with it and tame it. Wasim Akram has done it with aplomb.
Kejriwal’s life is running saga of daily fighting with all kinds crippling diseases but he has defeated them all like his political opponent. Coping with double whammy of diabetes and asthma has made him a fighter par excellence. That daily dose of fighting is the secret of his energy and aggression. He is a holistic health obsessive man. He has tried Ayurveda, Naturopathy, and Homeopathy to attain optimum health. He even went to Hyderabad for fish therapy for asthma. He has got stress related asthma. He is a vegetarian and also a regular practitioner of Vipasana meditation. He does asanas too. Surya Namaskar is his favorite asana.. He takes small meal every two or three hours. He walks around barefoot in home.
Kejriwal has been stalked by bronchial distress since childhood which is triggered by allergies. But he has fought them all and forged ahead. He takes insulin shot. His blood sugar is uncontrollable. Chest infections and coughing bouts trouble him often. He needs nebulizer twice a day. He takes sugar controlling drugs Amaryl and metformin too.
Dhananjay Kumar