17 Signs Of Mold Illness (And How To Tell If You’re At Risk)

Mold is a common problem and it may also be present in your home and be the reason for many health concerns.

However, you need to know its symptoms and who are most prone to it, in order to treat the issue and avoid adverse effects.

However, according to the conventional medicine, it is not a problem, and it, therefore, offers no proper treatment. Moreover, its symptoms are similar to the ones of other ailments, as they are nonspecific, and often attributed to other reasons.

Yet, these are the most common signs of mold illness:

  1. -Headache
  2. -Fatigue, post-exercise malaise, and weakness
  3. -Memory problems, focusing issues, executive function problems, brain fog
  4. -Light sensitivity, blurred vision, red eyes
  5. -Sinus problems, air hunger, cough, shortness of breath, asthma-like signs
  6. -Vertigo
  7. -Static “shocks”
  8. -Weight gain despite sufficient effort (weight loss resistance)
  9. -Tremors
  10. -Muscle cramps, constant nerve pain, pain in the joints, aches without inflammatory arthritis, “ice pick” pain
  11. -Persistent nerve pain
  12. -Numbness and tingling
  13. -Abdominal pain, diarrhea, appetite changes, nausea
  14. -Night sweats or temperature regulation issues
  15. -Excessive thirst
  16. -Increased urination
  17. -Metallic taste

Regarding these symptoms, you can easily see why they are often confused with other diseases’ signs. Yet, the disastrous effects of mold have been scientifically studies for more than three decades.

Namely, the mold is actually a combination of various types of fungi that grow in filaments and reproduce by creating tiny spores that sprout and fly away, and cannot be spotted by the naked eye.

Mold grows in warm, damp, and humid places. It may also appear, for instance, in Nevada and Arizona, in places with poor ventilation, floods, or water leaks, even if they are dry.

Mold can appear in the showerhead, bathroom, poor ventilated rooms, it can attach to the furniture, books, pets, shoes, carpets, and papers. It is able to circulate in the air system as well. Therefore, it is advisable that you change HVAC filters on three months.

Water-damaged buildings lead to the formation of a complex combination of contaminants present in the air and dust, creating a toxic chemical mixture. Also, mold forms toxic ingredients known as mycotoxins, which remain on spores and fragments of mold released into the air.

Yet, note that mold illness is not caused by a single toxin, but the cause is more due to the water-damaged area or building itself. The newest review also found sinuses to be a common reason for persistent mold illness.

Sadly, the reality is that half of the buildings we live in are water damaged, causing mold and mold illnesses to the ones which are more prone to it. Considering the fact that most of us spend a lot of time indoors, in our offices, or at home, we should all learn how to reduce these harmful influence.

Namely, mold toxicity is classified in the big category of biotoxin illness, or Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).

In the case of mold vulnerability, people cannot recognize specific toxins as toxins, like mold, and they get recirculated in the body. Consequently, toxins lead to a continuing inflammatory response.

Mold illness from water-damaged buildings is a severe health issue, as it is a state of chronic inflammation due to a weakened immune system, and it does not heal on its own, provoking various illnesses if left untreated. The illness is built into the DNA and as soon as it is activated, symptoms and the inflammatory response may long.

The diagnosis of CIRS requires the presence of the following criteria:

  1. -Abnormalities documented by Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) tests.
  2. -A genetic predisposition to biotoxin-related illness, on the basis of an identification of an HLA susceptible haplotype.
  3. -History, symptoms, and signs of biotoxin exposure. History should involve exposure to toxin-producing molds as documented by the EPA-approved ERMI testing. Also, in the case of microcystin, ciguatera, etc., history involves likely exposure or laboratory evidence of exposure.
  4. -Biomarkers consistent with the vascular, neuroimmune, and endocrine abnormalities specific to CIRS. In the case of consistent biotoxin exposure, an abnormal VCS test, or a susceptible genotype, you will probably show the laboratory abnormalities seen in CIRS.

Hence, if you suspect that you are exposed to mold and experience some symptoms, you should do the following:

  1. -Learn and research everything about mold illness.
  2. -Test the presence of mold in the home. You can find an environmental professional to inspect the home or your office, or do an ERMI test. The cost of this test is $325 and you can do it yourself, and if it is positive, you should hire a professional to solve the problem.
  3. -You can work with a clinician trained in the Shoemaker Protocol, and examine your susceptibility to mold illness.


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