5 beauty benefits of ginger for your skin and hair

Ginger, as we all know, has a peculiar fragrance and is a strong spice offering several beauty benefits. It is packed with antioxidants and is antiseptic in nature, which makes it extremely useful to resolve problems like signs of anti-ageing, acne, skin burns, dandruff, brittle hair, hair loss, etc.

1. Shields against skin ageing

Ginger is full of anti-oxidants that are responsible for increasing blood circulation and cut down on toxins. These anti-oxidants essentially fight off free radicals, there by protecting the skin.This process hence fights off signs of ageing like dull skin, fine lines, wrinkles and keeps the skin as youthful.

2. Clears acne and blemishes

This strong spice is great for resolving acne and blemishes due to its antiseptic properties. It also acts like a deep cleanser for clogged pores and eliminates any acne-causing bacteria. Additionally, it serves efficiently in reducing inflammation and cleanses dead skin cells. This ingredient is not harsh on the skin and can be used by those with sensitive skin as well. Also, ginger works on toning the skin complexion as well.

3. Resolves dandruff

Ginger uses its antiseptic properties to reduce scalp infections and dandruff problems. You could also use ginger oil to resolve this scalp-issue. Another effective remedy for dandruff is apple cider vinegar.

4. Accelerates hair growth

If and when used regularly, ginger aids blood circulation in the scalp and promotes hair growth. It hence, stimulates healthy and lustrous hair texture as it also restores lost moisture. With the help of its nutrients from phosphorous, zinc and vitamins, it also improves dry hair and split-ends too.

5. Soothes skin burns

Ginger is also the right ingredient to apply when suffering from skin burns. Dabbing some cotton soaked in ginger juice calms down abrasions on the skin instantly.


Ginger, honey and lemon mask for acne and deep cleansing

Ginger, when used with complementing ingredients like honey and lemon, could resolve a list of problems in one go. Apart from ginger, honey is humectant in nature and deep cleanses pores. Lemons too have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties which help tackling acne and blemishes with much ease.


Mix 2 grated gingers with 2 tbsp of honey, along with 1 tsp lemon juice. Refrigerate this mixture for a good 30 minutes.
Apply this all over your face gently and rinse off after some time.
Ginger, honey and glycerin for moisturising

A refreshing, natural moisturiser can be made with a mixture of ginger, honey and glycerin. Glycerin like ginger and honey, moisturises the skin thoroghly and is an exceptional ingredient for dry and flaky skin.


Grate 1 ginger and add it with 3 tbsp of honey and blend these ingredients well.
Then, mix these with 1/2 cup of glycerin and apply all over your face.
Wash well with water after some time.
Ginger and olive oil head massage

If you want to ward off scalp infections and excessive dandruff and stimulate hair growth, some ginger and olive or jojoba oil would prove beneficial.Among other oils, olive oil is useful in reducing dandruff and increases hair growth and a soothing olive oil massage contributes in stimulating hair follicles, whereas jojoba oil acts as a natural conditioner for dry, knotted and unmanageable hair.


Grate some ginger and mix with olive oil or jojoba.
Apply and massage your scalp thoroughly for around 5 minutes and leave it overnight. You could also use ginger oil.

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