6 really easy ways to stay healthy on a holiday

No one likes to fall ill on a holiday right? If you, like us, hate falling unwell during your vacations here are some very simple tips that you can follow and explore the world on a happy, healthy note: ALSO READ #TravelHack 14: How to travel with kids

1. Pack healthy snacks

f6702fab9117fe7d7481c557f96012d4Give the chips and cookies a pass and pack healthier food like almonds, protein bars or even fresh fruits. This helps you avoid the junk food served at airports and at times when the wait to board a plane seems long, just munch on these healthy bites. This also comes as a rescue when you do not want to eat flight food.

2. Avoid using your phone

2b2879750ab91215a5412bc09835c377Whenever you are exploring a new place, do not completely rely on Google. Go out, walk the lanes and get some sunshine. All this will not only help you beat your jet lag, but also ensures that you get some kind of work out. Additionally, it will also help you discover places that you didn’t know even existed.

3. Stay hydrated

2f634c39615e383f4419a1090f848e89Drink lots of water whenever possible. And the best would be to carry a bottle of water; you do not have to be dependent on airport or flight water. This is the best cure to everything from jet lag to a hangover.

4. Keep a hand sanitizer with you at all times

bab4331c7fc91c898a823b69b7055e7dWhether it is your luggage that you are holding, or the magazine on your flight, they all carry germs. So keep a sanitizer handy and use them before you have your meals. This is a practice that should be followed even when you are not traveling. Using a hand sanitizer after a washroom-visit is also a good practice to follow.

5. Carry all the necessary medicines

57332499b6b79ecee0b30f683556e4dcThis is something that many forget. Make sure you carry all your medicines that you think you may need on your trip. In fact, a small medical kit will be of good use to every traveler. Being safe is always better than being sorry. So even if you fall ill, you do not have to go looking for medicines.

6. Stay active at all times

3daea08af9c9cb81c4edf96ac244295cIf your hotel has a pool ensure you go for a swim. Lazing around and not stepping out will only make you feel tired. Instead, take a swim in your hotel pool or go out and look for adventure activities  like cycling or hiking or hit the hotel gym. That way your body has sufficient movements to keep you active.

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