Say goodbye to your digestion issues by Yoga Asanas

We eat a spicy meal, or maybe just too much, and suddenly we are bloated from indigestion. Although it isn’t a serious health condition, indigestion can be extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately, these yoga poses will not only provide relief but will also help prevent indigestion in the future. So here are some of the simple yoga poses that can help you out with indigestion…

Pose 1: Yogasana
Yogasana massages your abdominal muscles and improves digestion. Sit in the Lotus posture — legs crossed, with each foot resting on the opposite thigh. Inhale and exhale, then bend forward, lowering your forehead to the ground. While still bent, clasp your hands behind your back and stay in the pose for 20 seconds. Continue to breathe.
Pose 2: Spinal twist
This pose aids digestion by making it easier for food to move through the intestines. Sit on the ground with your left leg extended in front of you. Cross your right leg over the left and rest the sole of the right foot on the outside of your left knee. Twist your body to the left as far as is comfortable, and put the palms of your hands on the ground to the left as well. Remain in that position for 10 seconds as you inhale and exhale freely. Repeat the pose on your right side.
Pose 3: Cobra
This posture stretches the abdominal muscles, stimulates circulation, improves digestion and relieves constipation. Lie on your stomach with your arms bent, elbows toward the body, palms down in front of the shoulders. Inhale and raise your head, neck and back as you straighten your arms. You can bend your head back or look straight ahead. Stay in that position for 10 seconds, then lower yourself to the ground as you exhale.
Pose 4: Abdominal uplift
This yoga position promotes healthy digestion and gives your abdominal muscles a bit of a workout. On an empty stomach, place your feet apart with knees bent. Resting your hands on your thighs, bend forward and breathe out through your nose. Press your hands down firmly, and without breathing in, use your abdominal muscles to bring in your abdomen toward your back. Hold for five seconds. Repeat three times.

Source: DNA


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