Medanta’s Heart goes Out for Scarce Haryana Girls

New Delhi, December 10: If allowed to be born, Haryana girls now may also have the ‘luxury’ to be treated for heart ailment.

Medanta @Gurgaon has taken upon itself to provide this ‘luxury’ to them.

In Haryana, girls have many enemies from womb onwards. But from now onwards at least one enemy may stand defeated in the state. That is congenital heart disease. Medanta, The Medicity chairman Dr. Naresh Trehan’s heart goes out for girls of this state. This hospital has joined hands with Heart Care Foundation of India to prevent depletion of scarce girl resource by treating them free for congenital heart disease. The initiative named ‘Betiyan Hain Anmol, Bachao Dil Se’ (daughters are priceless, save them by treating their heart) was launched today in The Medicity in the presence of state’s chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar.

This state has attained the notoriety of having most number of feticide to keep the birth of daughters at bay. This has resulted intoskewed sex ratio in Haryana. Sex ratio in Haryana is 879 for each thousand male which is below national average of 940 as per census 2011. To Meditoall editor in chief Dhananjay,Dr. K.K. Aggarwal, president, Heart Care Foundation of India, said, ‘1 percent of girls are born with congenital heart disease. Since far less number of girls is born in Haryana due to prevalent sex selection, they need to be protected from heart disease at least. We have joined force to not let any girl in Haryana die of heart disease due to lack of money.’  This initiative will run under Sameer Malik Heart Foundation fund. He said hundreds of girls die in this state also of heart disease simply because money is not there for the treatment.

All girls suffering from congenital heart and rheumatic valvular heart disease, and otherwise cannot afford treatment, can apply for the benefits of the fund by calling on its helpline number +919958771177 or logging on to  its website,


Dr Trehan said, “There has been a sharp decline in the female population in Haryana over the years and it deeply saddens me to see that even in the 21st century, people think of girls as a liability and not an asset. I jumped at the opportunity of supporting Heart Care Foundation of India’s project, the Sameer Malik Heart Care Foundation Fund when Dr Aggarwal approached me 6 months back.’

Applauding this initiative, Chief Minister of Haryana, Manohar Lal Khattarsaid, ‘I am very happy to know that the Sameer Malik Heart Care Foundation Fund has already provided assistance to more than 300 patients, who required a heart surgery in association with Medanta – The Medicity. He promised all help in making this initiative a success.

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