35% Indian Hearts at Precipice of High BP

Great India BP Survey catches 66 % unawares

35% Indian Hearts at Precipice of High BP

New Delhi, September 30:  Cardiology Society of India has found about one third of Indian hearts atop a volcano of High BP. The chilling reality is that 66% of them are unaware that their hearts may succumb to it anytime soon.

This was revealed by Dr. Ashok Seth, Chairman, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute to Meditoall Editor in Chief Dhananjay Kumar in an exclusive interview on the occasion of World Heart Day. He said timely intervention is a must to avert the heart catastrophe in India.

He disclosed that a study named Great India BP Survey was done on 21st September under his overall guidance to asses BP risks to Indian hearts. The outcome is quite scary. The Killer High BP, left unaddressed, will result into heart attacks and heart failures leading finally to deaths. ‘You can well say one third of Indian hearts are atop a simmering volcano of killer high blood pressure.’

He further said, ‘the chilling fact is 66% of them do not know they are hypertensive. We got this survey done on one day and outside health camp setting so as to eliminate any bias in the outcome. The nationwide most extensive survey was dome randomly at Malls, Buses, Railway stations, Parks and other public gatherings, taking 1.8 lakh people in its ambit. Over7000 personnel were harnessed to do this first of its kind survey.

Dr. Seth said, ‘It intimidates because BP turns out to be the biggest cause of death. The survey outcome riveted the attention of cardiologists who participated in three day CSI Cardiac Prevent 2015 ending September 27.’ Dr. Seth, Chairman of the Cardiac Prevent, wants Cardiology Society of India (CSI) to take it upon itself to give a wake call lest great heart catastrophe catches up with Indians.  High BP triggers heart attacks and heart failure.’

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