Get rid of garlic breath with these easy ways

Get rid of garlic breath with these easy ways

f5d25ecc9212a3959c77467c940a7fe8A lot of Indian and Continental dishes have generous amounts of garlic. While this adds oodles of flavour to the meal, it also leaves you with garlic breath. Here’s how you can get rid of it…

– Eat fresh parsley, mint or mint tea to remove odour from your breath. Chewing gum that contains xylitol will also do the trick.
– After your meal, nibble potatoes, mushrooms, carrots or lemons to improve your breath.
– Mustard is a surprise agent that can remove mouth odour. Swish a teaspoon of it around your mouth for a minute before spitting it out. Then swallow another half-teaspoon of mustard.
– Drinking green tea, lemonade and water at the end of a meal will also help freshen your breath.
– Have a slice of bread as a lack of carbs can also contribute to bad breath.

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