IMA will mediate between Patients & Doctors

Mediation, Conciliation & Grievances Redressal Cell constituted

IMA will mediate between Patients & Doctors

New Delhi, January 29, 2015: IMA has constituted an “IMA – Mediation, Conciliation & Grievances Redressal Cell”, which will meet twice on 1st and 3rd Saturday every month.  The Cell will listen to and dispose of complaints from patients.

It was announced today in a press conference by Padma Shree Dr K K Aggarwal, Secretary General in a press conference. Dr Harish Grover has been made the Chairman of the cell. Dr. Grover was the member of the committee which wrote Delhi Medical Council Act and has been DMC’s grievance cell chairman for long. He is man and doctor of proven integrity. Dr. Aggarwal will be the member secretary. Two members, one lawyer and another social worker will also be included in the cell. Dr. Aggarwal said, ‘The proceedings would be confidential. It has been constituted according to the high court guidelines.’

The press conference was addressed also by Dr Harish Grover, Chairman of the cell and Dr R N Tandon, Finance Secretary IMA.

IMA said that 90% of the patient-doctor disputes are due to improper communication. IMA has written a letter to all its 1700 Local Branches and 30 State Branches to open IMA MEDIATION, CONCILIATION & GRIEVANCES REDRESSAL CELL in their respective State/Local Branch and meet twice in a month to mediate between patients and doctors.

The Cell has been created with the objective of providing a platform and mechanism for amicable and peaceful settlement of any dispute between a patient and doctor member of IMA.

Upon receiving a complaint by IMA from an aggrieved person, the same shall be handed over to the committee who shall issue notice of the said complaint to the concerned doctor member with directions to file their response. The committee shall obtain the consent of both the parties in writing in the prescribed form before the proceedings.

The committee shall pass an award on the basis of settlement arrived between the parties out of their mutual will and choice, free from any pressure and influence.

If no settlement can be reached between the parties, then the matter shall be closed by the committee subject, however, to the condition that all the records of the case shall be kept confidential and consigned to records.

The committee will only facilitate in arriving at a decision to resolve the disputes and it shall not impose any settlement or decision on the parties.

The complaint will be settled within 90 days.  The committee shall attempt to facilitate voluntary resolution of the dispute between the parties and shall assist them in identifying issues, reducing misunderstandings, clarifying priorities and exploring all possibilities of amicable compromise but in any case the committee shall not impose any terms of the settlement upon the parties.

The Committee will include Doctors, an Advocate and a social person of eminence as members.



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