Pledge to Eradicate Viral Hepatitis

Demand of free treatment raised by Dr. Sarin, one of best liver experts

Pledge to Eradicate Viral Hepatitis

 New Delhi, December 4:  Dr S. Sarin, Director, Liver and Biliary Sciences (LBS) and one of the best liver experts in the world, today demanded from government to facilitate free treatment of hepatitis patients, citing exorbitant cost of medicines for it.

Addressing 17th Hepatitis Day celebrations at Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences today Dr Sarin stressed that despite newer and better treatments being available for the treatment of Hepatitis B and C, the cost is so high that for most patients these treatments are unaffordable. Citing exorbitant cost, he said treatment of Hepatitis C with a new drug can cost upwards of a crore of rupees. Dr Sarin urged the government to make these medicines subsidized for the common man. He also suggested that there should be free treatment for Hepatitis B and C like there is for TB and HIV.

Dr. Sarin also gave a call for making India Hepatitis free by 2080.  He initiated ‘Yellow Ribbon Campaign –Know and Conquer Hepatitis – The Silent Killer’ to that end. Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Najeeb Jung inaugurated the occasion.

About 60 million people in India are infected with hepatitis B and C, second only to China; hence the emphasis was on initiating the drive to make India Hepatitis free.HIV having been contained and on a decline, Hepatitis is the most important preventable infectious disease.To drive home the core message about viral hepatitis ILBS organized full day public participation and free liver screening.

More than eighty schools and over 400 children from Delhi and NCR participated in the poster making, slogan writing and fancy dress competitions organized as part of the event, which is more than double the number of schools participating in the same activity last year. The organizers received more than 250 entries for the poster competition alone. The winners were awarded by the  LG.

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