Yoga is healing even Psychiatrists

Psychiatrists’ meet (PsyCog) discussed a host of mental issues

Yoga is healing even Psychiatrists

New Delhi, June8:  It was a leap of faith of sorts when in a congregation of psychiatrists in Delhi, there was seen an eagerness to take part in a Yoga session.

Those who could not take part due to space crunch in the hall felt disappointed. It happened in J. W Marriot hotel in Aerocity which was venue for PsyCog 2015 wherein psychiatrists from home and abroad discussed a host of teething mental illnesses. Reverence for Yoga was palpable on psychiatrists gathered there.

In the midst of hectic preparations by PM Modi government for June 21 International Yoga Day, Yoga got a shot in the arm when psychiatrists seemed almost co-opting Yoga as an efficacious tool in the treatment of mental illnesses, albeit cautiously.

While stressing the fact that mere yoga can not suffice for all mental illnesses and underlining medicine as a necessity in dealing severe mental conditions, they attributed a fair degree of efficacy to Yoga in effectively coping with the burgeoning mental problems in India.

Dr Sunil Mittal, chairman, Cosmos Institute of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, New Delhi and of PsyCog as well, said, ‘there were a couple of talk sessions in two day seminar where we extensively discussed Yoga’s relevance in dealing with mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, stress etc. There was a palpable enthusiasm among psychiatrists to take part in ashanas and deep breathing session we held here in the morning.’

Dr. Mittal further said, ‘there can not be any doubt about Yoga being a very effective preventive tool in fighting mental stress and several neuro- psychiatric conditions. Even psychiatrists advise their clients to use yoga as an adjunct to mainline of treatment. International Yoga day will go a long way to mitigate psychiatric conditions but it must be kept in mind that in severe metal conditions Yoga can not be an alternative to medical intervention. Yoga and medicine as supplement to each other is a very effective idea. We are using yoga sessions in treating our mental patients with positive outcome’.

Dr Mukim Sayed,  a Muslim psychiatrist from Ahmedabad, also concurred, saying Yoga should be recommended to mental patients by observing the status of mind and the patients’ readiness to accept Yoga as a supportive tool of treatment.

Addressing the session on the penultimate day of psyCog, BJP MP and member of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare, N K Chauhan also said that Yoga can play a major role in dealing with various kinds of mental health issues. Prof Adam Rosenblatt from Virginia Commonwealth University, USA also supported the idea of Yoga being an effective support in dealing with diverse mental conditions. Efficacy of Yoga cannot be questioned. It works and works definitely…but there will be always need for medication and modern science’.

It speaks a volume about Yoga’s healing touch that an exclusive Yoga session was organized at the venue of the seminar on the second day with over 200delegates taking part in the same in the morning.

PsyCog was inaugurated by the former President, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam who recommended utmost compassion while treating mental patients.  Mr. Chatham assured the congregation the standing committee is examining the Mental Health Care Bill, 2013 to make it India centric and would plug all the holes in the draft.

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